What is affiliate marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work?

There are many ways to make money online, but the most common, and most lucrative way to make money online is to sell products for companies willing to share the profits with you. This process is known as affiliate marketing or internet marketing and it is a multi billion dollar industry. Hundreds of thousands of people, just like yourself, are making money online everyday by partnering with companies who pay commissions based on sales that you help generate.

This sounds difficult but it’s not because these companies have “Affiliate Programs” setup for their partners (Affiliates). You can partner with thousands of companies online and start selling their products in literally minutes.

Some affiliate programs are free to join, others cost money, some are based in what is called mlm (multi-level marketing), where you can also recruit a team that you earn a percentage of profits off as well, this is my favorite.

So how do you start selling a companies products as an Affiliate?

Its actually Simple, all you need to do is send visitors to special links that are coded to you. These links track your visitors, conversion and sign ups.

If you are looking to make money online, affiliate marketing is the best route, I own several of my own affiliate membership sites and my own products, and I can tell you hands down, I enjoy selling other companies products and services way more then selling my own! As a owner of your own stuff you have to deal with all the support, affiliate training material, web hosting, affiliate payouts, etc..When you sell other companies stuff, they deal with all those things!

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Click here, and we will show you everything we are doing to make a killing online.

Richard Weberg

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