July 23, 2021 11:44 pm

Richard Weberg

YouTube for affiliate marketing?

Should I?……Absolutely!

It is a resounding yes, no matter what you are trying to sell, whether you have your own products and services or are selling other peoples products and services as an affiliate marketer..

You are leaving lots and lots of money on the table if you are not creating videos and using YouTube as part of your marketing strategies.


YouTube will help you reach the right audience fast.

Youtube is one of the fastest ways for you to build, like, know and trust for your brand, your company, if you are a solo entrepreneur or an affiliate marketer.

Check this out, I know these are some pretty wild numbers, but it goes to show you what kind of truly large potential YouTube has for someone.

Here is someone (The Bentist, not sure if he is an actual dentist or not) The Bentist created a Youtube channel on Jan 2, 2020.

The Bentist has 1.45 million subscribers already and the Bentist videos in the last year and a half have had over 615,925,306 million visitors!

The Bentist has a website and sells toothbrushes, it is listed in his channel header.

You can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBentist/videos

That’s all FREE TRAFFIC ….Absolutely wild!

Do you think the Bentist has a hard time selling toothbrushes?


It just goes to show you, what works, really works, and if you do the work, what is possible..


So what is stopping you?

My first videos were not the greatest, watch one of my first videos I did back in 2010 on my first YouTube channel. I was shaking inside, and literally scared sh*tless.

But hey you got to start somewhere.


You do not even need to be on camera.

If you do not like being on camera, you can do how to videos, how to videos are HUGE, everyone likes helpful screen share YouTube videos. You just record your screen and video record your actions on the screen and show people how to do something.

I did a screen share how to video twice on “how to copy and paste” I did the video two different times because I realized I left something off in the first one, and so many people had contacted me and thanked me for doing the first video.

Everyone has stuff they can teach other people how to do, never take for granted what people know how to do, does not even matter how many times a video has been done on the same subject.

Here is another example, I did a how to video on a website traffic platform I was using to promote my sites, I just showed people by screen share how to add their banner and text ads, that video got over 17,000 visitors and got me paid sign ups to that traffic platform every month on autopilot.

I eventually stopped promoting that platform as the website traffic they were providing started being not very good, so I had to change out the link in the description for the video. I basically had two choices to STOP people from signing up, take down the video from YouTube, or change the link and description for the video.

Nice problem to have right? Where do you hear affiliate marketers wanting to stop people from signing up and earning you money?


YouTube videos are like assets.

Unless you take them down, videos can keep making you money over and over again, you do the work once to create them and put them up. They are assets or what I like to call them is permanent traffic driving pillars.

How many traffic driving pillars do you want? 50, a 100, 1000?


YouTube Stats.

YouTube is the 2nd most visited site in the world.

2 Billion active monthly users. With over 2 Billion active monthly users, YouTube’s search volume is more than that of Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask.com combined!

81% of US adults visit Youtube monthly.

YouTube can be accessed in 76 different languages.

Over 1-Billion hours of video are watched on YouTube EVERY DAY. People LOVE watching videos!

YouTube is not simply just a video platform, it is truly a search engine only second to Google.

Youtube is now connected to all smart tv’s and streaming devices. Want more YouTube stats and facts, click here.


Imagine how many people your business could reach with a megaphone like that!

I’m talking new customers, more traffic, amazing brand exposure, and of course…

…more revenue!


YouTube Courses.

If you do not even know how to do videos, or even where to begin. Take a couple inexpensive YouTube courses, they cost almost nothing. And will give you the confidence to get started.

Like these.

How to make videos and start a youtube channel

A complete Youtube beginners guide

Youtube Masterclass

YouTube Affiliate Marketing For Passive Income


Like I said earlier, you got to start somewhere, and these courses are perfect for you to get started with.


In Conclusion.

Marketers like the Bentist, who I showed you his massive stats from above in this article, did not grow his YouTube subscribers to 1.45 million and 615,925,306 million visitors with no knowledge, he did not just wing it. Smart people, learn first, then apply the knowledge they learned.

That is how you grow a video marketing strategy to numbers like he did and that fast. There was time before he put up his very first video, I guarantee you where he was learning as much as possible about how to use YouTube for marketing.

So do not leave YouTube video marketing out of your marketing strategies, you will be leaving HUGE GOBS OF MONEY for everyone else. There are entrepreneurs and businesses who make millions just from creating videos and using YouTube to connect with their target audiences.


Now you do not need to be a video expert to create some great videos, your videos do not need to be like the Bentist, everyone is different, and every business is different. Just get started and you will get better and better the more videos you do. Do not wait to be perfect as there is no such thing.

If you have no time to take courses and learn the ins and outs of creating and uploading videos, and you have a budget for marketing your business, then look to hire an expert freelancer to create videos for your business or company. Fiverr is great place to find some video experts.

Learn to think outside of the box when it comes to YouTube marketing , you can either learn to become an expert by taking some courses and doing the work yourself, and or just hiring it out. Either ways, there is a ton of free traffic waiting for you there…

Start killing it with affiliate marketing, YouTube videos are like pillars, assets, they are evergreen, and will help you build leads, signups and sales on autopilot.

If I were brand new to affiliate marketing or never made any money online yet, YouTube would be the first marketing strategy I would, learn, conquer and immerse myself in. If you want to build income online and fast, YouTube is the place to do it!


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section below or just say hello, would love to hear from you.

Your Friend And Partner
Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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  1. Another excellent post on YouTube Richard. I enjoyed reading at agree with what you have written.

    The stats make no brainer reading and the platform as you rightly say gives you chance to show people something, with How To & Review videos

    Starting can be scary, but you do have to start somewhere. Once you do, then you don't want to stop

    As for traffic generation, yes its a great way to get leads from and if i were to look at my own stats, would see that I get a fair share, of them from YouTube.

    You mention courses in this post, and they are good, because they probably contain good strategies which YouTube's own academy probably doesnt. Though that is a godo starting point

    1. Thanks again my friend, for giving us your feedback, we really appreciate it! John and I have stepped up our own YouTube marketing, and that’s the reason for the post, because for years we have been building traffic, sign ups, and sales in affiliate marketing by creating and sharing videos on YouTube. Now we are taking it up a notch, and really want to help people get started with it, and learn the fundamentals through the courses I mentioned in the post, so they can get started on the right foot.Thanks again

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