November 19, 2019 12:14 am

Richard Weberg

It is the middle of November and for many people, they are starting to feel the pressure of the end of 2019 bearing down on them. They had goals to accomplish this year, and they are worried that they won’t achieve them, yet again..

Now is NOT the time to give up. It is the time to focus even more … especially on those things that can actually get you even more results in the next few months.

If your goal was to build your email list or get more signups for your program, then you have to remember that 80% of your signups will come from just 20% of your traffic sources.

When time and resources are short, you need to focus on that responsive 20% and stop spending time on the 80% of traffic sources which are only accounting for 20% of your signups.

 Last month, we received over 4200 new leads.. Of those 4200 plus leads 80% came from 10 traffic sources..The other 20% came from 40 other sources..

That means that 80% of our leads, sign ups and sales came from 20% of our traffic sources.

Every time we analyze our statistics, the numbers are exactly 80/20 (or very close) and it lets us know that the 80/20 Rule is pure magic.

Do you know what your top traffic sources are, or are you just advertising everywhere you can think of and just hoping for something to happen?

Here is how you can use that information.

When you know statistically your top producing traffic sources, you know you can spend your time, energy and resources focused on them and can get EVEN MORE results with 80% less effort!

If you have extra time to spend, then you know that if you concentrate on how to get more traffic from those 20% of best your converting traffic sites, you will get a lot more signups than if you spend time on the other 80% of sites.

If you have a budget for paid traffic , then purchasing more at the 20% of sites that are the best converting, will definitely give you a lot more bang for every dollar invested.

No matter how much traffic we receive, or what we are promoting, 80/20 Rule always works.

We hope that you are putting this information into action. If you are not sure how to get started, then reply to this email and we will give you a hand.

Here are our Top 10 Converting Traffic sources
1. Traffic authority

2. Traffic for ME

3. Udimi

4. JazDeep Solo Ads

5. Superior Solos

6. Wayne Crowe Solos

7. Creating Youtube Videos

8. Blogging

9. Facebook Profile Post/Groups

10. LeasedAdSpace

Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg

P.S. If you do not want advertise on your own,
and want a done for you solution. Than please Click here.
To use this option you must be part of the system we are promoting, as it is optimized for it. Click here to see it.
Otherwise the traffic sources listed above are rigorously tested and used by me and John every month and are the highest converting traffic sources you will find…

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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