If anyone wishing to learn how to recruit new referrals to any program is operating with out a downline builder you are missing out on one of the greatest ways to build massive free traffic and put your recruiting efforts on autopilot! Using downline builders in your marketing, not only lets you promote more than one program with out having to directly advertise each individual url. If used properly in your email marketing, you will be able to build residual traffic and profits with no further effort on your part. This is also another reason why building your email marketing list should always be your first priority. Do the work once get paid over and over again.
Down line builders are designed to save you time, increase your productivity and earn you more money.
I see so many people people throw away tons of referrals, income and credits by advertising a traffic exchange inside another traffic exchange, this is not smart marketing. The idea of a downline builder is not just to refer someone to one program, but also all the programs inside of it. This is how you build residual traffic and commissions without having to refer people separately to one program at a time, you build multiple programs at once.
The same concept is behind building your list and why this is the number one proven way to build a business and earn a living online, because you can now offer them more than one program, because you have a way to contact them any time you want to share something. So now when you combine list building and the use of a solid downline builder, you have one hell of a powerful marketing system!!
I hope by now you’ve begun to realize that you are never going to build multiple downlines in each and every Traffic Exchange or Safelist without a program designed to do it for you automatically. I know downline builders take time to set up, but boy is it worth it!
The main downline builder I use is YourEightSteps, it is the best at creating residual traffic and commissions in traffic exchanges and safelist. YourEightSteps is so much more than just a downline builder, Youreightsteps is a professional traffic exchange and internet marketing system, that includes powerful splash pages, opt-in pages, follow up email letters, free rebrandable ebooks and more to easily build your list and generate highly targeted leads for your business. Its duplicate-able and simple, it is why it works so well.
If you are not currently using a downline builder, I hope this blog post convinces you to start, your business will grow ten times as fast!
To Your Success And Happiness
Richard Weberg
YourEightSteps Marketing System