August 26, 2015 9:22 pm

Richard Weberg

I know your wanting to change that, and your
looking to the internet as a way out of it all.

I did to, I started doing this stuff over 12 years
a go now, and when I first started, I lived in
welfare housing, and the repo man took my
vehicles, I literally was almost homeless. I was
at a very desperate place, and blamed it all on my
self. See before this I was doing very well, I
owned two retail stores in our town. Then our
locally economy went in the crapper, and over
night, well it felt like over night, I lost
everything I owned. Literally everything, except
for our clothes and a few personal items.

I felt like a complete failure…And my ex-wife
thought so to…:(

So after a while of feeling sorry for my self, I
decided I was going to get back up and climb out
of the hole I was in.

To make a long story short, with the help of
financial assistance me and my ex-wife both went
back to school. And While taking an online course,
I had seen an ad online, that said I could change
my life and make as much money as I wanted to from

After doing some research, I realized and found
people who were building real wealth online, and
that it was true, people were actually doing it.
So I decided if someone else could do it, so could
I, so I got busy!

To make another really long story short, my
ex-wife laughed at me, she told me she didn’t
believe in me anymore, so I divorced her..

And I vowed that I would make this work no matter
what! And here I am 12 years later…Still working
from home and doing extremely well. I changed my

And my point to all that, is..

So can you!

You may be in a big dark scary hole but there is a
way out, and I can help, point, guide and direct
you, if you let me..I have the map.

You have to decide how bad you want it, and do you
trust me?

Will you take my advice?
Will you give up and quit, or will you stay the

What will you do to change your own life?

Will you take action and steps to move forward, or
will you wallow in your own self pity?

We all have time, it is what you do with it that
matters..Where will you be 12 months from now,
will you be climbing out of that hole, or will the
hole be deeper?

The great thing about the internet, is you can
start going forward for almost nothing, one small
step at a time,
you break it down into pieces, do-able action
steps, get started..Move to the next step..

Change all has to start some where, and then you
progress from there, think about it, where will
you be 12 months from now, or 2 years from now if
you do absolutely nothing?

And once you start the steps DO NOT STOP, keep
progressing forward…

This is how you find success..

You are not alone, I have been in your shoes, I
understand what you have gone through…Trust me,
I have failed at many things, and have had many
obstacles in my life..

But what is important, it is not how many times
you get knocked down in life, its that you get
back up!!

Now rise, and get back up with me..

Start today, and adopt this saying, “Don’t put off
until tomorrow what you can do today.”

Swear off procrastination…Habits of
failure..Make progress to what you want..Move

Is this what you want, a new life a new you?

It wont be easy, but it will happen..If only you
can decide to change..?

I will send you a series of assignments to start
you on your new journey..

Your first assignment is to get on our TEAM.


Together we are united and strong and can
accomplish way more!

The following Two Programs we are Team Building,
and are the most affordable starting points for

These two programs you should join immediately,
and not hesitate on, because you will be in our
team, and they are a one-time cost. You can get
started in one for 18.00, and the other for 1.50.

You do not have to do this alone…

Being in forced style matrixes like these two
programs, you can also get referrals and
commissions from what your direct upline does.
Meaning me, and people above me, you also benefit
from what people do under neath of you.

There are no better low cost offers on the
internet with this much potential.

But those that are smart, position them selves
with the best chance of success, and not failure.

The cost we are talking about 19.50 cents out of
your pocket, not monthly but one-time..

And I truly want people to win, I came from a very
dire situation and over came, I understand what
most people go through, I wouldn’t tell you to do
this, if I didn’t whole heartedly believe, what is
possible for you, if you just get started

Now Join at the two links below:

I seriously want to help you out of your hole..
P.S. Tomorrow I will add your next assignment, or you will get it by email
if you are already subscribed to my news letter.

To your success and happiness
Richard Weberg

Let connect and be friends!
About the Author

Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Weberg, I am happily married and have
3 wonderful children, well they are all men now…God that makes me feel old..
I am full-time blogger and affiliate marketing expert. I have been helping people make money online now for over 18 years!

I turned to internet marketing in 2003 because our local economy was literally in the toilet! It took me two years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution.

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  1. Richard, thanks for you words. I’ve road my personal silly emotional rollercoaster of internet marketing. Giving up when I was about to have breakthrough has hurt me more times than I care to think about. I actually quit one of you programs and returned recently….still playing catch-up right now. I’ve already had some moments I wanted to quit…..But not this time!

    Right now I’m following one of you tips to comment on blogs 5 times a day that are similar to my own. Just wanted you to know I’m still following you and have been inspired by you.

    Allen “Al” Williams

    1. Your welcome Allen, and glad to have you back on board! There is no better time then now to make the decision, that you will never quit again..

      I will be here to help, point, guide and direct you my friend!

      Thanks for the comments and appreciate it very much!
      To your success

      Richard Weberg

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